Workshop on Forest Plots in connection to PAGE 2023


Are you going to the PAGE 2023 meeting in A Coruña, Spain?

Interested in communicating the impact of covariates in pharmacometrics models?

Join Pharmetheus’ one-day workshop, focusing on implementation and interpretation of Forest Plots, a pre-conference satellite meeting to PAGE.

Forest plots, as recommended by the FDA in their latest Population PK guidance, is becoming a standard component of submission packages, and can be used to efficiently summarize the impact of covariates on parameters from population models, as well as to illustrate the outcome in important patient subgroups.

With this one day workshop, you will get an in-depth understanding of how Forest plots should be interpreted given the variations in which point estimates and uncertainties can be derived and reference conditions can be set up. You will also learn how to create Forest plots in R based on output from different types of models and covariate modeling techniques. Finally participants will get clarity on how Forest plots depend on the underlying modeling methodology and how “Full Model-like inference” can be obtained even from modeling approaches that generate parsimonious covariate models.

The workshop titled Forest plots in practical use: Implementation and interpretation
will be held by Pharmetheus’ experts: Niclas Jonsson, Ph.D. and Joakim Nyberg, Ph.D. on Tuesday the 27th of June 2023.

Find more information and register for the workshop here.