Marie Sandström, Ph.D.
Business Development Manager & Board Member

- Co-founded Pharmetheus in 2012, serving on the Pharmetheus Board of Directors and as Business Development Manager, leading the Proposals Pipeline Management Team
- Expertise includes model informed drug development and clinical pharmacology in therapeutic areas such as neuroscience and oncology
- Previously worked as Chief Operations Officer, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Consultant at Pharmetheus, where she managed the company and worked actively in client projects, providing clinical pharmacology advice and hands-on application of pharmacometric approaches to support drug development, as Global Head of Clinical Pharmacometrics, Clinical Pharmacology & DMPK Projects Director Neuroscience, Head of Clinical Pharmacology Södertälje, and Clinical Project Pharmacometrician/Pharmacokineticist at AstraZeneca, Sweden, Lecturer and Associate Professor in Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Pharmacist at Apoteksbolaget AB, Sweden
- M.Sc. in Pharmacy (1989) and Ph.D. in Biopharmaceutical Sciences (2002) from Uppsala University, Sweden