Joakim Nyberg, Ph.D.

Chief Technology Officer



  • Co-founded Pharmetheus in 2012, serving as Chief Technology Officer, part of the executive leadership team, leading the Enabler department
  • Expertise includes pharmacometrics, trial design, and systems development
  • Experience as Researcher at Uppsala University, Sweden, where he has a part-time position to perform pharmacometric research, primarily by supervision of Ph.D. students. Previously worked as System Developer at B&M Systemutveckling AB, Sweden
  • M.Sc. in Engineering Physics (2006) and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Biosciences (2011) from Uppsala University, Sweden
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Pharmetheus affiliated publications

The impact of misspecified covariate models on inclusion and omission bias when using fixed effects and full random effects modelsThe impact of misspecified covariate models on inclusion and omission bias when using FREM and FFEMFull random effects models (FREM): A practical usage guideGenerating uncertainty estimates in empirical forest plotsUsing forest plots to interpret covariate effects in pharmacometric modelsProperties of the full random-effect modeling approach with missing covariate dataA framework for prediction of progression free survival based on modelling of sub-endpointsChecklists and best practices to support the informed use of Forest plots to illustrate the impact of covariates in pharmacometric modelsExposure–Response Analyses for the MET Inhibitor Tepotinib Including Patients in the Pivotal VISION Trial: Support for Dosage RecommendationsAn Introduction to the Full Random Effects ModelA Quantitative Approach to the Choice of Number of Samples for Percentile Estimation in Bootstrap and Visual Predictive Check Analyses